Final Memories of Cabin Trip
This picture is of the infamous "Rent-a-can" we had to use. There is a small hike from the cabin down a trail and down a hill to get to this little gem. The most important things to notice are the treacherous angle at which is lean and the amount of snow on top (i.e. nothing is melting). Now remember that the temperature got to a high of about 15-degrees and the low was close to zero. Open the door to this outhouse and take a step inside but be careful. The floor is slick as ice from moisture freezing on it. Dharma couldn't even go potty by herself because she would step inside and immediately slide to the right and slam into the wall. The bigger kids and parents braced ourselves for the step. Next imagine what the freezing temperatures did to the deposits inside...froze them solid where they fell. Now imagine that this thing hasn't been emptied for a while so the "pile" looks like a termit hill pointed straight for any occupants backside...Got the picture? SCARY!!!!! Fortunately for us a volunteer came by the second day and somehow managed to knock things around a bit...we had tried but failed in the Alaska outdoor skill. Ha. Ha.
The middle picture is of our car greeting us in the parking lot. Notice how high the snow is on the tire wheels. There we were, exhausted from the hike out, counting the steps 'til we got relief from pulling the sleds, and imagine the exclamations when we realized we had to dig out the car before we could even begin to unload everything. It was crazy that this hadn't even occured to us.
Our final laugh of the day (better to laugh than cry) was getting home and making the next realization that we couldn't get into the driveway because we had 15" of snow in it. Look carefully and the ridge at the end of our driveway left by the snowplow that had just been through can be seen. The sun was setting behind the house, we were wiped out, and the driveway had to be snowblown. Shaun got the task done while we all showered. Then we unloaded everything. Shaun showered and we celebrated our victorious trip with dinner out to a m exican restaurant because none of us wanted to lift another finger that day.
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